COVID-19 – Latest Service Updates
January 2022
Dear Client
Due to the unpredictability of the possible increase of Covid cases in the local community we are looking at what steps we need to put in place if the situation worsens and the service has to close for a period of time. If the service is affected by Covid we will have to follow the Government Guidelines and temporarily close the service.
Due to the unpredictable of the situation it is CRUCIAL for us to gain information from each client and their ability to source meals during this time.
We are needing to identify which of our clients would have NO support of family, friends or neighbours and rely fully on our service for their daily meals should we have to close unexpectedly. We will continue to support these clients during this time and work towards assisting those that are at a higher risk.
Please complete the details below ONLY if you rely fully on our service and have no other means of sourcing meals from family/friends/neighbours and return to the service ASAP: