Our meal services are not only for frail or older people we can also deliver to young people with a disability and their carers, and to consumers who are recovering from surgery or an illness.
There are no waiting lists to start on the program and no contracts.

Receiving Meals on Wheels
If you or someone you know wishes to receive Meals on Wheels, please call our office on 4928 0540 or alternatively, you can email the referral form to us on [email protected] or fax to 4928 0758
All new Consumers with Meals on Wheels start with a Hot Meal, Soup or Smoothie, Juice and Dessert. This selection can be changed at any time to suit your requirements by contacting our Office on 4928 0540 to speak to a staff member.

Allergies and Special Meal Requirements:
Please notify the office if you have a food allergy or medical condition that requires a special diet, we will endeavor to serve your “Special” diet meal upon request. Meals on Wheels will strive to follow the menu, however at times the menu may change at short notice.

Meal Delivery:
Meals are delivered Monday to Friday between 11am and 1pm. Please ensure that you are home to receive your meal. If for any reason you need to cancel your meal, please phone the office no later than 9am each day. Insufficient notice will incur the normal meal charge.
We deliver to homes in North Rockhampton, South Rockhampton and Gracemere.
Meals cannot be left unattended or in Eskies, they can only be left in a working fridge.

An Invoice will be sent out to you at the end of each month for payment. Payment can be made by direct debit into our bank account, over the phone with a debit/credit card or via cheque or cash. You can also make payment to the delivery volunteers.

Clients Rights and Responsibilities:

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